The State of Assam is endowed with vast fishery resources in the form of River (aszo rcv), Beel /Oxbow lake(r00817 ha), Forest Fisheries(5 0r7 ha), Derelict /low-lying area(tz6++q ha), Reservoirs(zssz ha), Pond & Tanks(ooszo ha) covering total water spread area of over 2.85 lakh ha excluding riverine fisheries. More thang5o/o of total population of the State consumes fish, The State is also rich in diverse ichthyo-fauna with 216 freshwater species available and tso fish species having ornamental importance and 50 species with overseas ornamental values. Present fish production from the existing State water resources is very low in comparison to its potential. During the year 2015-76, the State has achieved fish production of Lakh vr against the present nutritional demand of the State which is 3.36 r-akh tur leaving a gap of lakh vr of fish. The average fish fry production in the State is 4500 million numbers whereas the production of fingerlings is 135 million numbers against the requirement of :so million numbers. At present the State has 8 fish feed mills whichcan produce 3000 MT against the requirement of 9ooo0 MT.
Maximize sustainable production, nutritional and food securiW, livelihood and employment generation, welfare of fishermen, development of skili and professional human resource & economic prosperity and thereby making the State self sufficient in fish production,
1. The short term Goal: To meet the nutritional demand of fish in the State.
2.The medium term Goal: To make fish available to common people at affordable price and to provide fish for nutritional supplement at over 15 kg per capita per annum.
3. The long term Goal: To produce surplus fish and cater to the need of other states including N.E. states and neighboring countries.
1. Provide sustainable and equitable livelihood to fishers and fish farming communify.
2.Ensure supply of cheapest source of protein to all,
3. Make the State self-sufficient in advanced fingerling production and table fish production by 202L
4. Ensure effective conservation and judicious exploitation of indigenous fish and fishery resources.
5. Generate entrepreneurial and employment opportunities and facilitate creation of necessarv infrastructure facilities through public and private investment in the sector,
6.Encourage the farmers for adoption of Good Management Practices in fisheries and aouaculture.
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Chitizen charter for Fishery Deptt, Dispur.PDF | 444.37 KB | ![]() |